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    What tests are applied by the courts to answer these questions??

    Has the employer control over the way in which the employee performs their duties? (1) ___________?

    Is the skilled employee part of the employer's organisation? (2) ___________

    Is the employee working on their own account? (3) ___________?



    What tests are applied by the courts to answer these questions??

    Has the employer control over the way in which the employee performs their duties? control test??

    Is the skilled employee part of the employer's organisation? ?integration test?

    Is the employee working on their own account??multiple (economic reality) test??


    ?Inside information is '_____________' relating to a _____________?of securities that?are price-affected and not to securities generally.??

    ?Liquidation means that a company must be ___________ and its affairs wound up.?

    ?Under model articles directors are authorised to m___________ the b___________? of the company,?and e___________??the p___________? of the company.??

    Distributable profits may be defined as ___________ profits less ___________?losses.?

    A private company does not need to apply to the court to reduce its share capital if it supports its?___________ with a? ___________?.?


