

The absence of the profit measure in non profit seeking organisations causes problems for the?measurement of their efficiency and effectiveness.?


(i) Explain why the absence of the profit measure should be a cause of the problems referred?to.

(ii) Explain how these problems extend to activities within business entities which have a profit?motive. Support your answer with examples.?



?(i) Effectiveness refers to the use of resources so as to achieve desired ends or objectives or?outputs.?

In a profit-making organisation, objectives can be expressed financially in terms of a target?profit or return. The organisation, or profit centres within the organisation, can be judged to?have operated effectively if they have achieved a target profit within a given period.

?In non-profit seeking organisations, effectiveness cannot be measured in this way. The?organisation's objectives cannot be expressed in financial terms at all, and non-financial?objectives need to be established. The effectiveness of performance could be measured in?terms of whether targeted non-financial objectives have been achieved, but there are several?problems involved in trying to do this.?

(1) The organisation might have several different objectives which are difficult to?reconcile with each other. Achieving one objective might only be possible at the?expense of failing to achieve another. For example, schools have the objective of?providing education. They teach a certain curriculum, but by opting to educate?students in some subjects, there is no time available to provide education in other?subjects.?

(2) A non-profit seeking organisation will invariably be restricted in what it can achieve?by the availability of funds. The health service, for example, has the objective of?providing health care, but since funds are restricted there is a limit to the amount of?care that can be provided, and there will be competition for funds between different?parts of the service.?

(3) The objectives of non-profit seeking organisations are also difficult to establish?because the quality of the service provided will be a significant feature of their?service. For example, a local authority has, amongst its various different objectives,?the objective of providing a rubbish collection service. The effectiveness of this?service can only be judged by establishing what standard or quality of service is?required.?

(4) With differing objectives, none of them directly comparable, and none that can be?expressed in profit terms, human judgement is likely to be involved in deciding?whether an organisation has been effective or not. This is most clearly seen in?government organisations where political views cloud opinion about the?government's performance.

?Efficiency refers to the rate at which resources are consumed to achieve desired ends.?Efficiency measurements compare the output produced by the organisation with the?resources employed or used up to achieve the output. They are used to control the?consumption of resources, so that the maximum output is achieved by a given amount of?input resources, or a certain volume of output is produced within the minimum resources?being used up.?

In profit-making organisations, the efficiency of the organisation as a whole can be?measured in terms of return on capital employed. Individual profit centres or operating units?within the organisation can also have efficiency measured by relating the quantity of output?produced, which has a market value and therefore a quantifiable financial value, to the?resources (and their costs) required to make the output.?

In non-profit seeking organisations, output does not usually have a market value, and it is?therefore more difficult to measure efficiency. This difficulty is compounded by the fact that?since these organisations often have several different objectives, it is difficult to compare?the efficiency of one operation with the efficiency of another. For example, with the police?force, it might be difficult to compare the efficiency of a serious crimes squad with the?efficiency of the traffic police, because each has its own 'outputs' that are not easily?comparable in terms of 'value achieved'.

?In spite of the difficulties of measuring effectiveness and efficiency, control over the?performance of non-profit seeking organisations can only be satisfactorily achieved by?assessments of 'value for money' (economy, efficiency and effectiveness).

?(ii) The same problems extend to support activities within profit-motivated organisations,?where these activities are not directly involved in the creation of output and sales. Examples?include research and development, the personnel function, the accountancy function and so?on.?

(1) Some of the outputs of these functions cannot be measured in market values.?

(2) The objectives of the functions are not easily expressed in quantifiable terms.?


(1) Within the personnel department, outputs from activities such as training and some?aspects of recruitment can be given market price values by estimating what the same?services would cost if provided by an external organisation. Other activities,?however, do not have any such market valuation. Welfare is an example. Its objective?is to provide support for employees in their personal affairs, but since this objective?cannot easily be expressed as quantifiable targets, and does not have a market price?valuation, the effectiveness and efficiency of work done by welfare staff cannot be?measured easily.?

(2) Within the accountancy department, outputs from management accountants are?management information. This does not have an easily-measured market value, and?information's value depends more on quality than quantity. The contribution of?management accounting to profitability is difficult to judge, and so the efficiency and?effectiveness of the function are difficult to measure.?


?Actual overheads cost $180,000 and 40,000 machine hours were worked.?

Actual overheads cost $170,000 and 40,000 machine hours were worked.?



Prepare profit statements for each period and for the two periods in total using both absorption costing?and marginal costing.?



Prepare profit statements for each of the six-monthly periods, using the following methods of costing.?

Marginal costing?

Prepare profit statements for each of the six-monthly periods, using the following methods of costing.?

Absorption costing?


